A place where
everyone joins

Crossover Youth Centre provides a safe space and supportive atmosphere for young people to meet and enjoy activities. There are trained youth workers on hand to offer advice.

Click on the flyer to book for the half-term trip to the Chichester Escape Rooms!

If you would like more information about the escape rooms, please visit:



Positive growth.

Crossover (Liss Youth Centre LTD – Registered Charity No. 1113791) was set up in May 2006 by a team of Liss residents, working with the local Churches and the Parish Council. Crossover was created as there were many young people in the village with nothing to do and they were known to be causing some issues in the village, and crime and anti-social behaviour committed by young people was known to be high. The Crossover team set out to make a change for the better. Crossover is not a religious or political organization.


Crossover was opened in May 2006 and at first it only opened for a couple of sessions a week. A Manager was appointed and sessions were mainly run, for free, by volunteers who just wanted the young people to have somewhere to hang out safely, where they weren’t bothering anyone else. It was important to those running Crossover that the young people of Liss had somewhere to call their own.


at Crossover

Crossover has an incredible team of volunteers who offer their time, skills and listening ears to be here for our young people.  From helping in the café to make snacks and drinks, to engaging with young people and running activities or sharing skills such as art, music and cooking, there is always some way you can help us and enjoy yourself at the same time!

Young people can also volunteer at Crossover as part of their Duke of Edinburgh award! Get in touch if you would like to take up this opportunity. If you’d like to join us on our mission at Crossover and offer your greatly appreciated services as a volunteer, please click the button below & fill out your details in the form.

So, what do we offer at Crossover?


Join us however you like!

Follow Crossover Youth Centre on Social Media!

Our Valued Supports at Crossover Youth Centre

We value all of our supporters enormously, and may not be able to do a lot of the work we do without them – if you’d like to become a valued Crossover supporter, please email us by clicking here.

Street-Based Youth Work

Street-based Youth Work in Liss.

Evening sessions

During term-time, we run two evening essions on Wednesdays & Thursdays.

Level Up Project

Designed to help young people find employment and apprenticeships.

After School Sessions

We run 3 after school sessions on a weekly basis.

Help us keep on doing the work that we do at Crossover Youth Centre




People Helped


Events & Meetings

